Keywords: strategic management, region, competitiveness, stages of development, essence and meaning


The article examines the theoretical principles of strategic management of regional development through the construction of the main stages and methods of its implementation. It is substantiated that the strategy of economic development of regions is a key task for Ukraine in modern conditions, since the determination of strategic priorities for regional business entities should ensure the sustainable development of the country and reduce disparities between regions. The essential characteristics of the term "strategic management" are given and its territorial orientation is highlighted. It is substantiated that half of the scientists interpret this term, focusing on the enterprise and organization, the other half define it more uniformly and provide for the process of managing the strategic stages of the implementation of actions at the regional and national level. The author proposed an author's definition of the concept of "strategic management", which involves ensuring the sustainable development of the region, improving the quality of life of the population, attracting investments, business development and creating a favorable environment for effective development through the implementation of a system of management actions and directions. Stages of strategic management of regional development and methods of their implementation have been developed. It was established that in order to achieve the strategic goal of regional development, it is necessary to implement five stages, which provide for their implementation according to certain methods. It was determined that the main participants in the implementation of the specified stages are the state, business and the population, which create favorable conditions for increasing the country's competitiveness and increasing its well-being. It was established that the involvement of the specified participants in the development of the region under the conditions of the implementation of the specified stages of strategic management of regional development will contribute to regional convergence and balancing of the economic development of the country thanks to the unity of the goal and ensuring harmonious and sustainable regional development, where all participants work together to achieve common goals and improve the quality of life in the region It is also stated that this implementation is a key factor for ensuring long-term development and achieving sustainable socio-economic progress.


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