Keywords: migration, forced population displacement, war, Ukraine, personnel motivation, management of migration flows, personnel policy, social consequences, economic impact, global dimension


The article explores the scale and complexity of the issue of mass migration of both national and global significance. Data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is analyzed, confirming that the war in Ukraine has led to the largest crisis in the history of global forced population displacement. The analysis results reveal that the significant outflow of young and highly skilled Ukrainians abroad poses a threat to the country in terms of human capital loss and competitiveness. Managing migration flows and retaining skilled personnel can contribute to stability and economic development in Ukraine. The article analyzes the consequences of labor force outflow from Ukraine, leading to a shortage of qualified workers and having a negative impact on the countryʼs economy and social sphere. It also highlights the positive impact of massive migration from Ukraine to European Union countries, particularly on the economies and demographic situations of host countries. An approach to addressing this issue is proposed through the adaptation of enterprise motivational policies in line with the urgent needs of workers in times of war. The systematic principles of personnel motivation management during wartime, such as adaptability and flexibility, priority of personnel retention, reorganization and planning, ethics and social responsibility, maintaining stability within the workforce, improving safety and livelihood, risk analysis and assessment, involving leadership and leaders, communication and interaction with employees, and a long-term success orientation, enable effective management and maintenance of high levels of personnel motivation even in the most challenging circumstances. The article also analyzes key aspects of personnel motivation management during wartime, including the organization of remote work, flexible work schedules, personnel rotation, provision of necessary equipment and inventory, review and update of personnel policies, assessment of personnel risks, and decisions regarding additional social guarantees for employees. It emphasizes the importance of retaining personnel as a key asset of the enterprise during wartime through effective motivational mechanisms that align with contemporary challenges and realities.


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