Keywords: value-oriented management, corporate strategy, agricultural enterprises, market capitalization, stock market


The article discusses the theoretical aspects of strategic management of a public corporate enterprise on the stock market. The strategic goals and tasks of corporate management are disclosed. It is shown that the main strategic goal of an enterprise whose shares are listed on the stock exchange is the growth of market capitalization. It is noted that the achievement of the strategic goal requires the formation and implementation of a system of financial and non-financial goals with a reorientation of corporate management on the growth of business value. Article systematizes market and corporate performance indicators of the corporate agricultural enterprise based on the value based management. Market indicators reflect the level of investment attractiveness of the company for potential investors. The financial indicators of a public company are based on data from the financial statements and reflect the effectiveness of financial management. Non-financial indicators characterize the level of corporate social responsibility and reputation, which indirectly affects the demand for shares on the stock market. A mechanism of strategic management of the activities of a corporate agricultural enterprise on the stock market has been developed. It includes the formation of information and analytical basis for decision-making, the formation of strategic goals and tools of their achievement, the implementation of corporate management, monitoring and control of the implementation of strategic and tactical decisions. Strategic goals and tools involve management of the company's market capitalization, economic efficiency, and reputation. Market capitalization management involves value based management, share price management, management of the number of shares in circulation. Management of economic efficiency is aimed at increasing liquidity, profitability of assets and equity, financial stability, improvement of business activity. Reputation management covers corporate social responsibility, principles of sustainable development, public relations and other activities aimed at improving the image of the company. It is shown that the implementation of the developed mechanism will ensure a comprehensive increase in the value of the agricultural enterprise and increase investment attractiveness and long-term development.


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