The article summarizes the theoretical foundations of determining the essence of personnel potential at the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Varieties Examination during the qualification examination of plant varieties, and describes its organizational structure. The current state of the available labor resources of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Varieties Examination was analyzed based on the results of 2020-2022, in particular the agronomists of the branches that conduct scientific and technical examination. The reasons for the shortage of personnel at the branches of the Ukrainian Institute for Examination of Plant Varieties have been determined (lack of infrastructure and prospects in the villages; shortage of equipment; shortage of labor force due to mobilization, which leads to an increase in the physical load of the remaining workers, an increase in costs due to the search for new workers; delays in agricultural work; demining the territories after de-occupation). According to the results of the analysis of the regular and actual number of employees at the institute, it was established that the lack of human resources for conducting scientific and technical expertise is 42 % (heads of the field research department – 2.7%, leading agronomist – 16.6%, agronomist of the 1st category – 15.3%, agronomist of the 2nd category – 7.8%) of the total need for specialists in the network as a whole. Based on the results of studies of the educational level of those actually working at the institute, it was established that positive dynamics have been observed over the past three years in terms of increasing the number of employees with a scientific degree. The main directions of reproduction of the personnel potential of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Varieties Examination for the qualification examination of plant varieties have been determined. They are: creation of personnel support systems; improvement of the existing system of interaction between units; interpersonal relations of employees, creation of information environment and communication system between participants; introduction of the employee training system; formation of information infrastructure human resources by attracting qualified specialists, as well as creating complex programs for training, retraining and advanced training of relevant personnel.
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