The purpose of the article is to determine the main services for conducting a competitive analysis of sites in a niche industry and the effectiveness of their use in marketing activities in the modern environment. Conducting research and solving the goals and tasks set in the article is carried out with the help of appropriate general scientific, special research methods: comparative analysis and synthesis, systematization, grouping, logical generalization, interpretation and adaptation. The analysis of theoretical and practical developments in the application of search engine optimization and competitive analysis services was carried out. The article examines the role of search engine optimization in the marketing activities of the enterprise. The concept of search engine optimization and services used for competitive analysis are defined. The need to conduct a niche analysis and the main metrics that are considered for further promotion of the brand or products in the Internet environment are also determined. The concept of a landing page and the significance of the bounce rate, which has an impact on the top quality of the company's website, are defined. The main marketing methods of reducing the rejection rate are considered. The main services Serpstat, Ahrefs and SimilarWeb for the analysis of search engine optimization and Internet marketing were analyzed and their main differences in terms of functionality were determined. It has been established that with the help of these services, webmasters, marketers and SEO specialists have the opportunity to effectively improve marketing strategies, research competitors, study their own audience, improve their own website and increase its visibility in search engines. Website owners are offered a rational approach to comprehensive analysis of competitors' websites and subsequent drawing of conclusions for further determination of marketing strategy and optimization of the website. A conclusion was made about the need for companies to pay attention to search optimization in order to effectively conduct business in the Internet environment in order to ensure competitiveness.
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