The article analyzes the current state of investment activity in Ukraine, considers domestic and international aspects of its management, identifies the main problems of ensuring a high level of investment attractiveness of the national economy in the context of today's realities. A comprehensive analysis of the factors of formation of investment potential and investment risks at the macro level, the volume of attracting investment capital into the national economy, the main obstacles and risks of low investment activity in Ukraine at the current stage was carried out. The dynamics of changes in the indicator of gross domestic product and the volume of capital investments in the economy of Ukraine are determined, the key directions of state policy regarding the activation of the process of attracting investments to the national economy are proposed. Investments are one of the most important means of ensuring the state's exit to the European vector of development, achieving real structural shifts in the economy, technological rearmament, and improving quality indicators of activity at the micro and macro levels. The assessment of investment activity in the national economy and its influence on the dynamics of international investment flows has become relevant in view of the transformational nature of the economy, the multi-vector and impermanence of development strategies. In Ukraine, the problems of intensification of investment processes have repeatedly become the subject of scientific research, which mostly related to the study of macroeconomic factors of ensuring investment activity, the development of instruments for attracting foreign investments, and the analysis of certain aspects of investment processes at the national level. However, a number of issues related to the assessment of the state of the national economy and its prospects in the context of today's realities remain unresolved due to the large number of different points of view on the specific content of the information base of such research. There is a need for further practical research in this direction. The purpose of the article is to study the current state of investment activity in the national economy, the formation of the main priorities for its long-term development and the solution of problematic aspects of its management. Special attention is paid to the international experience of conducting investment activities in today's realities.
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