Keywords: international migration, global migration, labor migration, directions of international migration, international migration in conditions of globalization


The article examines the features of the modern process of international migration. The directions of global migration, its importance for the international and national economies, especially the recipient countries are described. The author indicates that the processes of international migration in the world develop in a wave-like manner, as this is a reaction to the cyclicality in the development of the world economy, but at the same time, a clear tendency to the strengthening of migration processes over time can be observed. The author points out the emergence of a relatively new direction of international migration – population migration between developing countries. The article found out that this type of migration is primarily based on economic reasons. Another feature of international migration is outlined: the bidirectionality of migration flows, when the same state can be both a donor and a recipient of migrants. The author points to a clear trend of recent years, which is at the same time a sign of post-industrialization, is a change in the sectoral structure of immigrant employment: the percentage of those employed in the service sector is increasing, while the level of employment in traditional industrial sectors is decreasing. When analyzing modern migration processes, the author noted the transition to a completely new form of migration – "global migration", which is characterized by the movement of human capital in global space for an indefinite and unforeseeable period. It is also indicated to increase the scale of international migration and the involvement of new regions in migration processes. The article also singles out specific characteristics of the global migration system, such as: irreversible development, adaptability, structural complexity and integration, as well as fluctuating – that is, unpredictability due to the impossibility of predicting all possible challenges and risks. The article states that international migration, due to its globalization and scale, deepens national, political, ethnic, demographic and social contradictions in recipient countries. And therefore, migration constantly changes the socio-cultural structure of the host countries.


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Dyiak, Y., & Belinska, G. (2023). FEATURES OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION PROCESSES IN THE GLOBALIZATION OF THE WORLD ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (54). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-54-20