The article discusses a new paradigm of strategic entrepreneurship, where product quality becomes a key element in responding to consumer requests and simultaneously reducing production costs. Domestic manufacturers face two important trends that shape the concept of the quality system: growing consumer demands for product quality and insufficient equipment of enterprises with modern equipment. The definition of product quality and its importance for the competitiveness of enterprises is provided. Focusing attention on achieving the optimal level of quality, enterprises are actively fighting for the preservation of high positions in the market and the possibility of increasing prices. Product quality becomes an integral part of competitiveness and includes various consumer properties of products, such as functionality, ease of use, appearance and other consumer properties. It is noted that the concept of quality is relative and depends on the context and needs of consumers. It is noted that the growth of product quality becomes an effective mechanism in the competitive struggle, helping enterprises to increase their competitiveness, attract investments, enter foreign markets and form a positive image. It is the result of a combination of labor efficiency, scientific and technical development, effective organization of production and use of experience of national and foreign enterprises and standardization. In addition, product quality management requires attention to key factors such as employee qualifications, equipment condition, technological processes and controls. High product quality determines the competitiveness of enterprises and can be a key indicator of their success. The threats and opportunities for the agricultural sector of Ukraine in the conditions of the military conflict with Russia are analyzed. It is noted that despite the challenges, Ukrainian enterprises can turn unfavorable circumstances into opportunities by diversifying products, applying technological solutions, increasing labor productivity, and developing the local market.
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