Keywords: the organizational structure, corporative management, adaptation, leadership, innovations


The article examines the specifics of modern business processes that require enterprises to constantly adapt and ensure effective management to achieve competitive advantages. It was determined that the theory of organization and organizational structures are currently key aspects of corporate governance, which allow maintaining effective functionality and contribute to the achievement of strategic goals of economic entities. The essence of the theory of the organization as a fundamental concept that helps to understand the internal structure of the enterprise related to the effective interaction of the elements of the organization and its personnel is analyzed. Modern approaches to the formation of the organizational structure of the enterprise and its types are considered, in particular, functional, divisional, matrix and linear. The actual advantages and disadvantages of each approach are determined, and the importance of choosing the optimal organizational structure, depending on the characteristics of the organization and its goals, is indicated. The importance of effective leadership and communication within the chosen organizational structure of the enterprise is considered. It has been analyzed what roles and influence leaders have on achieving strategic goals, as well as how effective communication contributes to maintaining optimal functionality and ensures harmonious cooperation within the organization. The importance of adaptation of organizations to changes occurring in the market and in the technological environment has been proved. It was determined that the flexibility of management and the ability of the enterprise to effectively implement innovations become critical for ensuring success in modern conditions. It is argued that the choice and effective implementation of the organizational structure are important factors for achieving success in modern corporate governance. At the same time, a well-thought-out organizational structure contributes to the optimal use of resources, adaptation to changes and achievement of strategic goals, while taking into account internal and external factors affecting the enterprise. In addition, the specifics of modern trends in the system of organizational management of enterprises, such as flexible organizational structures, virtual teams and globalization, are considered. It is considered how these new challenges affect traditional approaches to managing a business entity and require the development of new strategies. The importance of the application of organizational and organizational theory is proven to ensure an understanding of the principles of how the choice of management structure can affect the effectiveness and adaptability of corporate management of an enterprise in a modern competitive environment.


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