The article is devoted to the current problems of the development of the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine due to the improvement of the management of the process of Internet advertising of pharmaceutical products through the formation and implementation of a scientifically based strategy. The article defines the purpose and assignments of the topic, researches the factors that actualize the need for pharmaceutical companies to use modern Internet advertising technologies. The Internet-advertising, as a tool for the development of the domestic market of pharmaceutical products, is of particular importance in the modern conditions of the reduction of the country's economic potential due to russia's military aggression against Ukraine. The article focuses on the fact that the rapid development and spread of the Internet and Internet technologies necessitate the rapid adaptation of domestic pharmaceutical enterprises to the situation where Internet advertising becomes the main tool of the marketing strategy of a successful enterprise in modern conditions. The main advantages of Internet advertising compared to other, traditional tools and methods of advertising are determined. The types of Internet advertising of pharmaceutical products that have been tested for pharmaceutical companies as the most effective in modern conditions have been defined and substantiated. The article, on the basis of advanced foreign experience, substantiates the main stages of forming an effective strategy for Internet advertising of pharmaceutical products. Conditions that increase the effectiveness of strategy implementation are given, namely brand individuality, transparency, high-quality company website, meaningfulness, basing advertising information on data and facts, personalization of advertising, transition from product orientation to customer needs orientation. The use by enterprises of the method of forming the strategy of Internet advertising of pharmaceutical products developed in the article will allow to increase the level of competitiveness of domestic pharmaceutical enterprises.
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