The article is devoted to topical issues of assessing the ethnographic tourism resource potential. Ethnographic tourism is one of the important means of learning about the historical and cultural heritage of peoples and ethnic groups, it contributes to cultural and conservation activities, the values formation and attitudes and respect for the peoples culture and history. It is a tool for forming a broad outlook and an individual self-identification. The purpose of the article is to research the ethnographic tourism resource potential and methods of its assessment. There have been analyzed and systematized the classification of the ethnographic tourism resource potential and distribute to four groups of components: material resources, intangible resources, socio-demographic resources and infrastructural resources. Besides, it has been analyzed the existing approaches to the evaluation of tourist and recreational resources. Despite the fact that a lot of scientific works are devoted to the research, analysis and development of various methods of evaluation of tourist and recreational resources, the resource potential of ethnographic tourism is still understudied, since it was not distinguished as an independent, separate type of tourism until recently. In the paper were considered two methods of assessing the ethnographic tourism resource potential. The first one is the point-based method of assessing the attractiveness of resources that makes it possible to assess the attractiveness of the studied region in relation to its cognitive value. Another one is method of integral assessment allows comprehensively assessing the potential for the ethnographic tourism development of the studied region and giving it a quantitative dimension. The development of a methodology for assessing the resource potential of ethnographic tourism will allow forming strategies for the development of this type of tourism in certain territories. For its part, the ethnographic tourism development gives impetus to the scientific research development in the field of ethno-cultural heritage that will also indirectly serve its preservation and revival. Development of a methodology for assessing the ethnographic tourism resource potential makes it possible to form strategies for the development of this tourism in the country and regions.
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