In the conditions of globalization, there is a high interdependence of the trends of economic development of the countries of the world, therefore, the implementation of quantitative and qualitative assessments of the impact of corruption on it in the context of the analysis of the macro-regional structure of shadowing determines the relevance and purpose of research. The following algorithm was applied: dynamic analysis of the corruption perception index; selection of factors for correlation-regression analysis (GDP growth rate, GDP growth rate per capita, GDP per capita, labor productivity, the ability to export high-tech industrial products, and the impact on the natural environment); a correlation analysis regarding the interaction of corruption with economic growth, labor productivity, high-tech exports, and carbon emissions; an econometric modeling regarding the impact of corruption on labor productivity; a correlation analysis obtained coefficients regarding the mutual influence of corruption and the shadow economy at the global level and across macrogeographic regions and subregions. It is shown that corruption in the world has a slow downward trend, but according to the average value, the countries of the world are perceived as more corrupt. Correlation coefficients and econometric model calculations prove that the fight against corruption contributes to economic growth, well-being, increased labor productivity, the development of high-tech production and exports, as well as the reduction of carbon emissions. Correlation analysis showed a new construct of the shadowing of the world economy in terms of macrogeographic and trans-macrogeographic interaction of the shadow economy, as well as the shadow economy and corruption of groups of countries in Europe and Central Asia, North America, Latin America, and the Caribbean, East Asia and the Pacific Ocean, South Asia, the Middle East and North and Sub-Saharan Africa. The results of the empirical studies determine the practical value of the article.
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