The article is devoted to the issues of introducing the concepts of sustainable development and project management in the field of housing construction. Housing construction is one of the priority areas of the economy. It reflects the level of development of society and provides a certain standard of living for the population. The concept of sustainable development, adopted by Ukraine together with many leading countries of the world, implies the observance of a number of principles in the design, construction and operation of housing, as well as in the management of all these processes. The implementation of these principles is possible subject to the involvement of innovative technologies, which include management. Project management in the field of housing construction will take into account all factors and risks and reach the most effective model adapted to modern conditions. The research methodology is based on the use of an integrated approach that provides a multidimensional consideration of the stated problem. The paper summarizes the world experience in implementing the principles of sustainable development, identifies the prospects for its implementation in the realities of Ukraine, analyzes the consequences of destruction during the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and ways to overcome them through the implementation of modern management strategies in housing construction models. The main problem is the lack of a theoretical base with a conceptual and nomological apparatus. That is, the concept of sustainable development is a set of certain provisions of various sciences, models, recommendations that are not united by a single working strategy, nor are the mechanisms for its implementation defined. The solution to the problem is possible through modern modeling tools: building simulation and optimization models, structural organizational and economic schemes that will be included in the overall national concept of sustainable development. It is noted that the theory and methodology of Project Management, developed by the world's leading companies, requires significant refinement and adaptation to the specific conditions of Ukraine, especially the nature of the development of investment and construction activities in a state at war. The resumption of housing construction has become even more urgent. All processes must be streamlined to reduce project lead times and ensure high quality.
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