Keywords: enterprise development, market conditions, strategic management, strategy, enterprise, crisis


This article focuses on the methodology of creating a strategic development plan for enterprises in crisis situations. With frequent challenges and uncertainties, enterprises must adapt and innovate to maintain competitiveness. During these tough times, enterprises should consider strategic measures like reinvesting funds in new areas, restructuring, merging with stronger entities, and implementing growth strategies, defense strategies, export-oriented strategies, and eco-friendly strategies. The article provides guidance on how enterprises can navigate through crisis situations while achieving their development goals. The development and implementation of export strategies for various sectors, such as information technology, machine-building, creative industries, and aviation equipment, were crucial achievements that were unfortunately halted by the war. The article stresses the importance of restoring businesses today for ecological, social, and corporate management. The article emphasizes the importance of developing enterprise strategies in response to the current economic landscape and the need for domestic enterprises to adapt to complex reform conditions. It argues that without identifying prospects and predicting future development trends, it is challenging to develop tactical measures that can effectively navigate complex market conditions. Therefore, an increased focus on the development of enterprise strategies is essential for enterprises to succeed in today's rapidly changing business environment. Successful strategic management is crucial for the financial stability, competitiveness, and efficient operation of an enterprise in the market. To achieve the desired objectives, it is vital for enterprise leaders and/or managers to have a high level of strategic thinking and management skills. A lack of understanding about the significance of planning and the absence of strategic thinking could indicate inadequate enterprise management. In conclusion, the article states that the current volatile business environment highlights the importance of addressing the challenge of enabling enterprises to adapt flexibly to external changes while pursuing their development objectives. This requires a shift in decision-making approaches and an immediate focus on identifying the strategic priorities for enterprise growth.


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