E-business is becoming increasingly widespread in today's world, and its success depends on the organization and management of key business processes. The purpose of the article is to show the impact of the organization's management on improving business processes on the competitiveness of e-commerce. In the process of research, general scientific methods, in particular, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and comparison, were applied for a comprehensive study of the problem. The results of the study show that e-business requires an individual approach, which consists of three key stages: setting up the interaction, maintaining the interaction and monitoring. Setting up the interaction includes site preparation, effective planning of advertising campaigns and ensuring a high user experience for visitors. This stage determines the user's first contact with the brand and his impression of it. Interaction focuses on customer service: responding to inquiries, providing quality support, and speed of order fulfillment. Control includes a constant analysis of the effectiveness of the measures taken, which allows you to make timely adjustments to the strategy and tactics of e-business. Each of these processes affects the competitiveness of the enterprise, from advertising activity to maintenance and control. Whether the company will be able to attract and retain its customers depends on the proper preparation of the site, effective advertising and ease of use. Effective service interaction promotes customer loyalty, and systematic monitoring and analysis help maintain business flexibility and adapt to changing market conditions, ensuring its competitive advantages in the long term. The practical significance of the study is that understanding how business processes affect the competitiveness of e-business can serve as a basis for developing strategies for optimizing and improving the company's operations, as well as for strengthening positions in the ever-changing market.
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