Keywords: management strategy, information and communication support, institutions of higher education, provision of educational services


The relevance of the topic of the article is determined by the leading role of higher education institutions for the future generation of specialists and the need to improve information and communication support to improve the quality of educational services. The work defines the main directions of formation and implementation of the management strategy of information and communication support of higher education institutions. It has been found that the strategy of managing the information and communication support of higher education institutions in the conditions of war and the difficult socio-economic condition of our country should be based on the satisfaction of consumers of educational services with the knowledge they receive, comfortable learning conditions and prospects for further building their own careers. It is noted that effective management of the information and communication support of higher education institutions is possible only if the relevant conditions are met, the main of which are the formation and implementation of an effective strategy, the realization of potential opportunities for providing quality educational services, the presence of a multi-level information and communication network, coordination of the interaction of external and internal stakeholders ZVO It was noted that the management strategy of information and communication support of higher education institutions is a set of processes that are connected by a single goal, which is aimed at increasing the role of higher education in Ukraine. In addition, the openness of the formation and implementation of the management strategy of information and communication support in higher education institutions guarantees interaction with the external environment, which, on the one hand, dictates its rules and sets certain needs for the quality of the provision of educational services, on the other hand, helps to find the right management solutions, the implementation of which allows solving existing problems and ensuring the competitiveness of higher education institutions on the domestic and international markets. It was concluded that the management strategy of information and communication support of higher education institutions should first of all be based on the use of the total potential of the institution, organizational and methodical support for making effective management decisions based on further digitalization of the educational process, effective use of IT technologies, which will ultimately provide an opportunity for exit of domestic higher education institutions to international markets of educational services.


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