Keywords: marketing, manipulation, consumer, purchases, solutions, countermeasures


In this article, various types of consumer marketing manipulation are analyzed and systematized. The relevance of the research topic lies in the need to make manipulative marketing activities more transparent, understandable, and predictable for consumers, as well as to demonstrate ways to counteract such actions. Therefore, this paper is aimed at systematize types of consumer marketing manipulations, highlight their positive and negative consequences, and determine directions for countering them. To achieve this goal, the following methods were employed in the research: search-analytical method – while processing literary sources; systematization and classification – to identify specific types of marketing manipulation; descriptive method – to characterize the identified types of manipulation; logical abstraction – when summarizing the research findings. The study showed that the main objective of marketing manipulation is to persuade consumers to make certain decisions or purchases. It was found that manipulative influence on consumers is exerted through various psychological methods and techniques aimed at changing their perception, preferences, or decisions. Special attention in the article is devoted to the examination of specific types of marketing manipulation observed in practice, such as advertising manipulation, packaging manipulation, price manipulation, and interaction scenario manipulation. Each manipulation has both positive and negative consequences and manifests differently in practice. However, a common negative consequence for a company that abuses marketing manipulations could be the formation of a negative market image, loss of consumer trust, reduced demand for products, and decreased company profits. The research results indicate that consumers need to be attentive to the information they receive, scrutinize products and services, and consult reliable sources and experts before making decisions. Awareness of manipulative methods in marketing will help consumers become more aware and critical, as well as motivate businesses to form ethical and long-term relationships with their customers. This will also serve as a countermeasure against manipulative influence on consumer decision-making.


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How to Cite
Myskiv, G. (2023). MARKETING MANIPULATIONS. Economy and Society, (53).