The article is devoted to the consideration of strategic directions of development of the Ukrainian stock market as a component of the Strategy for Development of the Financial Sector of Ukraine until 2025. The main goals and objectives that determine the directions of development of the domestic securities market are considered. The development of the investment process in Ukraine's economy and further market reforms are impossible without the creation of an efficient stock market, which should ensure the realization of Ukraine's national interests and help strengthen its economic sovereignty. Based on this, the article examines the state of implementation of the main tasks in the domestic securities market: introduction of compensation schemes for investor protection in the stock market in accordance with the norms of the European Union, implementation of an overseas stock market infrastructure, establishment of stock market supervision payments, and integration of the Ukrainian stock market infrastructure into the European T2S system. To achieve its goals, the NBU cooperates with the National Securities and Stock Market Commission under a memorandum of cooperation. There have been positive developments in the oversight of the stock market infrastructure and in the regulation of cash settlements for transactions with securities and other financial instruments. The issue of compensation schemes for attracting investor funds remains unresolved. Based on the material studied, it is concluded that the implementation of a unified state financial policy for the development of the stock market determines the need for its adaptation to international standards, strengthening control over the activities of depository system participants and legal relations between them with respect to securities accounting, and coordination of activities of public administration bodies on the functioning and development of market infrastructure. The steps taken have already led to positive changes, but the issue of compensation schemes for raising funds from investors remains unresolved. Therefore, the study suggests the introduction of a corresponding fund (hedge fund) in the form of a collective investment institution, which should be another step in increasing investor confidence in the Ukrainian stock market.
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