The main types of nature-oriented tourism, which are based on the use of the natural environment resources are analyzed. It is substantiated that nature-oriented types of tourism are grounded on the use of natural territories (both changed as a result of human activity and those that remain untouched) and have an ecological orientation. The object of the study is the process of assessment and realization the tourist and recreational potential of the nature-oriented tourism. The generalized results of scientific research testify to the tangible recreational and touristic potential of our country, which is formed by all available natural, historical, cultural, and socio-economic resources. Today, the formation of nature-oriented recreational, tourist, sanatorium-resort spaces for the purpose of efficient and rational nature use is relevant.The purpose of the research is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the foundations of nature-oriented tourism with the aim of sustainable development of the tourist and recreational potential. The following research methods were used in the work: theoretical generalization, factor analysis, economic-mathematical modeling, graphic, analytical, statistical methods. The classification of forms and types of nature-oriented tourism is given. The complexity and multicomponent structure of nature-oriented tourism is identified. It was determined that nature-oriented tourism is closely related to other types of tourism that exist as independent concepts and at the same time as its constituent components. In addition, the importance of nature-oriented tourism is considered from the point of view of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, which should apply the best available technologies and practices of sustainable development. Emphasis should be placed on the preservation of ecosystems, national parks, nature reserves. The further development of nature-oriented tourism provides a certain perspective for the economic growth of the territories. An increase in tourist flows contributes to an increase in the welfare of the host community, which allows for the most efficient consumption of resources.
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