The article reveals current problems of the domestic tourism industry and identifies various directions of development of the tourism sector. At the current stage, a new trend has become the directions of diversification of the national tourist product, caused by a change in the ratio of supply and demand in the world tourism market. It is noted that the diversification of the national tourism product is both the result and the cause of the evolution of this sector of the world economy. The author highlights the peculiarities of the tourism business in the regions of the country and confirms that domestic tourism has recently become a massive socio-economic phenomenon in Ukraine. The strategic priorities for the development of tourist services in Ukraine are substantiated. Varieties of diversification strategies in the tourism business at the current stage are characterized. The main goal of this study is to identify and analyze modern directions of diversification of the national product. The article examines the theoretical foundations and history of the study of event tourism, its classification, as well as its current state. Characteristic features of event tourism are highlighted, the feature of which is targeting a significant number of consumers. The author emphasizes that event tourism is a special type of tourism, because itinexhaustible in content. The current state of competitiveness of various regions is evaluated. The expediency of expanding the range and types of services of tourist enterprises is substantiated. In Ukraine, gastronomic tourism began to develop rapidly at the beginning of the 21st century. It was found that gastrotourism is one of the directions of modern tourism, which supports and develops domestic tourism, appreciates local traditions and is an advertisement for the food industry of the regions. The author reveals the reasons for the development of the gastro-tourism industry at the current stage. It is emphasized that today the safety of tourists has become one of the main problems. The peculiarities of the development of medical tourism, the real industry of which has formed in the modern world, are analyzed. The reasons for the increase in the number of medical tourists at the international and regional levels are indicated. It has been proven that medical tourism has the highest growth rates compared to existing types of tourism. Based on the analysis of sciences publications, the author summarizes the main positions of scientists and experts on this problem.
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