Keywords: hospitality industry, tourism industry, pandemic, tourism, UNWTO


The tourism industry is an important component of the foreign economic activity of the countries of the world. The events of the last three years show that tourism is one of the most vulnerable types of business, which depends on and affects many sectors of the economy. In Europe, tourism is a promising sector, but at the same time a rather risky business. The topic of the pandemic is closely related to the field of tourism, it was the cause of the biggest decline in indicators in this industry and still COVID-19 creates some difficulties and requires restrictions that directly affect consumers of the tourism product. The article examines the impact of COVID-19 on the tourism industry in Europe. The changes in the tourism industry after the lifting of pandemic restrictions were analyzed: the opening of the borders of the countries that were closed, the lifting of quarantine restrictions, the development of inbound tourism. The trends of tourism development in other countries of the world, where positive changes are also observed, are partially analyzed. An analysis of the costs of domestic tourism was carried out by visitors who stayed overnight (tourists) and visitors who visited on the same day. An increase in the volume of expenditures on domestic tourism has been established. A study of the hospitality industry in European countries showed a gradual recovery in 2022, compared to 2021. According to the results of the analysis of the dynamics of international tourist arrivals, it was established that inbound tourism is developing. The number of foreign tourists in European countries is expected to increase by 10 percent in 2023 compared to 2022. The results of a survey of UNWTO experts on the timing of the return of international tourism to the pre-pandemic level are given. It was found that the respondents predict the recovery of the tourism industry in 2025 (according to surveys in May 2023) and in 2024 (according to surveys in October 2020). The survey on the main factors that prevent the recovery of international tourism revealed the following: the economic environment, high costs of transport and accommodation, restrictions on travel.


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How to Cite
Shyshkin, I., Polova, O., & Fartushok, N. (2023). CHANGES IN THE EUROPEAN HOTEL AND TOURISM INDUSTRY AFTER THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Economy and Society, (52).