The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of accounting and taxation of small business entities. The relevance of the study is due to rapid changes in economic conditions, in which the optimization of accounting and taxation of small business entities is gaining particular importance. These entities are the engine of economic development and create a significant number of jobs, so their effective functioning is important for overall economic growth. The purpose of the article is to study the practical experience of SMEs in managing accounting and tax accounting. This study will not only deepen our understanding of the research subject, but also provide critical conclusions that will help to form a more effective policy and strategy for the development of SMEs in Ukraine. Research methods: methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis, comparative analysis, modeling and forecasting are used to achieve this goal. As a result of the analysis, key trends faced by small businesses in the field of accounting and taxation were identified, and specific recommendations were developed to overcome them. During the last two years, the simplified taxation system was changed in accordance with the military conditions, which changed the procedure for calculating a single tax, contribution and transitions to different taxation systems. Accordingly, accounting rules have also changed, requiring the preparation of documentation, calculations and reporting. Today, the simplified taxation system provides an opportunity to replace a number of taxes with a single tax, which simplifies accounting and reduces the tax burden, but despite this, small businesses have additional budgetary burdens, which creates opaque conditions for the creation and operation of small business entities. In addition, a number of restrictions in the form of established income limits and the number of employees, as well as restrictions on some types of activities, make the system not as universal as it might seem at first glance. The results of this work can be used by the management of small enterprises, state administration bodies, as well as scientists who are engaged in the study of accounting and taxation problems. They can also serve as a basis for further scientific research in this area.
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