Keywords: volunteer, social security, country, social phenomenon, social responsibility, transformational society, war


The article examines the role of volunteerism as a phenomenon that has acquired a particularly vital importance with the beginning of a full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022, in the development of social security of Ukraine and the problems faced by volunteers from the state and society. The works of scientists who studied the history of the emergence, features, motivational basis of the basics of volunteering abroad and in Ukraine were analyzed. A revolutionary change in the number and qualitative composition of volunteer activities currently present in Ukrainian society is presented. The author emphasizes the importance of the volunteer movement as a tool for uniting the country, promoting social unity and developing civic consciousness. It is noted that volunteering became a particularly relevant and vital phenomenon during a full-scale invasion, because it plays an important role in supporting and providing assistance to the military, victims, as well as in ensuring the social integration of vulnerable groups. It also discusses the internal displacement of people as a result of the conflict and the important role of volunteers in assisting and reintegrating these people. The author proposes a number of measures to alleviate the problems of volunteering in Ukraine, including improving state support, developing professional development of volunteers, creating cooperation mechanisms, and raising public awareness. It is noted that volunteering is of great importance for the development of social security, economic development, support of vulnerable population groups and improvement of socio-economic well-being in Ukraine. Further studies of volunteering in Ukraine and the implementation of their results in practice will allow to determine the most effective methods, develop recommendations for improving state support for volunteering initiatives, create conditions for the further development of volunteering in the country, both during the Russian aggression and after the victory. Considering the importance of volunteering as a factor of socio-economic security, the study will help to expand the knowledge base and understanding of this social phenomenon and will contribute to the development of strategic measures to strengthen socio-economic security in Ukraine. Analyzing the role of volunteering in improving socio-economic security, this study will provide a valuable contribution to the development of civil society, strengthening social solidarity and the formation of civic consciousness. The results of the study will be useful both for scientific researchers and for government bodies, public organizations and volunteer initiatives working in the field of social and economic security.


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