Keywords: strategic marketing, strategic management, marketing tools, activity efficiency, organization, enterprise, company, business, competitiveness, war and post-war period


The article reveals the essence of the concept of "strategic marketing", considers the process, defines the place and significance of strategic marketing in the conditions of the war and the post-war period. It was determined that the implementation of the modern marketing paradigm takes place through the implementation of the concept of strategic marketing. It was established that at the beginning of a full-scale war, the usual approaches to marketing lost their rationale, and most companies/enterprises became helpless and unprepared for the uncertainty and chaos that befell Ukraine. It has been proven that the application of the concept of strategic marketing should orient the enterprise to the formation of a system of monitoring and analysis of the environment, increasing the company's adaptive abilities to changes in the external environment and a systematic review of the business portfolio in view of changes in the overall development strategy. It was determined that at the beginning of a full-scale war, in a period of chaos and uncertainty, the vast majority of enterprises, companies, brands became practically helpless, as traditional approaches to marketing lost their meaning. The first days of the war, the network was filled with pre-war information against the background of wartime realities, which looked quite incorrect. At that time, most companies refused to interact with customers and chose a wait-and-see strategy, but after recovering, they began to return to work. It has been proven that in war and post-war times, business must adapt to modern crisis conditions. In general, war changes everyone's life and affects consumer behavior. It has been established that when forming marketing strategies, companies should take these changes into account, starting with the creation of humane, sincere and responsible communication, where universal human values are always in the first place. It is noted that the crisis marketing strategy in war and post-war times should not only preserve the audience, but also win new consumers. During this period, you should avoid unnecessary commitments and fulfill the company's promises; demonstrate a transparent and understandable social, political and cultural position, supporting it with actions that benefit people; not to parasitize on the war and not to use information about the war in unnecessary and inappropriate places; be optimistic.


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How to Cite
Pacheva, N., & Lutay, L. (2023). STRATEGIC MARKETING IN WAR AND POST-WAR TIMES. Economy and Society, (52).