The article examines the phenomenon of intellectual migration of human capital. The work reveals the regularities of processes of international migration of human resources. It has been proven that at the current stage more attention should be paid to the control of the intellectual migration of human capital. The causes of intellectual migration of human capital have been studied. The influence of the emigration of intellectual capital on the economic development of the countries of the world is determined. The theoretical and conceptual provisions of research on the processes of international migration have been studied. In the course of the research, it was determined that the intellectual migration of human capital is becoming massive. The outflow of highly qualified specialists inhibits the processes of innovative development for donor countries and ensures sustainable development and increases the competitiveness of the economy of recipient countries. Theories of international migration, which are relevant for this study, are analyzed. The main positive and negative consequences of the migration of intellectual capital are determined. Emphasis is placed on the need to maintain policies aimed at preserving and improving the quality of human capital in order to reduce the negative consequences of the intellectual migration of human capital. It has been found that international economic relations in the field of international migration of human resources are oriented towards maximizing the benefits of the parties regarding the effective use of human resources. The high mobility of qualified human resources requires the development of social support for innovative development, the improvement of migration legislation, and the involvement of the experience of developed countries that effectively use intellectual potential. It is noted that controlled migration ensures high development of the human potential of countries and regions, its best use; acts as a catalyst for the development of science and technology, which contributes to the innovative development of the economy of the countries of the world and helps to balance the development and condition of the countries of the world.
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