Keywords: tourism, recreation, statistics, nature reserve area, destination


The article provides an empirical analysis of the impact of recreational activities on the development of touristic destinations. It is indicated that in recent years in Ukraine the number of people engaged in tourism activities involving the use of recreational services has been increasing. Such activities create a need for the development and provision of recreational services and increase the share of natural recreational areas. In this regard, there is an increase in recreational pressure on natural complexes and objects of special environmental and recreational significance. It is pointed out that some negative factors and factors of tourist and recreational activities lead to the degradation of the nature reserve fund, which creates the need to preserve natural complexes and their landscape. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the main directions of recreational and tourist activities within recreational areas have been identified. It is indicated that tourism and recreational activities are an integrated process of certain human actions, which leads to a certain set of tourism products and services based on the use of certain resources: raw materials, equipment, labor, technological processes, etc. It is determined that the resource base for tourism and recreational activities is the natural, historical and cultural objects of a certain territory. One of such locations may be the territory of a nature reserve fund. The article assesses the recreational activities of the territory of the Nizhniosulsky National Nature Park, which is an object of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine. The study made it possible to develop practical proposals, the implementation of which will help to reduce the negative impact of recreational activities on the objects of the nature reserve fund located in the territory of certain tourist destinations. In conclusion, it is stated that recreational activities are currently having a significant impact on the development of tourist destinations, in particular, those with nature reserves, including nature preserves and parks. Being an important element of the natural resource potential, nature preserves and parks not only ensure the fulfillment of environmental protection functions but also become a key element of tourism development in Ukraine.


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