The article is aimed at assessing the current state of the corporate securities market in Ukraine. Corporate securities are equity securities issued by joint-stock companies, organizations and enterprises of other organizational and legal forms of ownership, as well as funds, banks and investment companies. The main documents on the corporate securities market include shares, bonds, checks and promissory notes. Today, the domestic corporate securities market is a structure capable of meeting the financial resource needs of Ukrainian companies quite effectively. The article examines the state and problems of functioning of an important segment of the stock market - the corporate securities market. The purpose of the work is to study the dynamics and structure of the corporate securities market in Ukraine, as well as the opportunities and prospects for the development of this segment of the stock market in the current environment. The author analyzes the dynamics of securities issuance in Ukraine in 2018-2022. The necessity of a detailed study and analysis of quantitative and qualitative parameters of stocks and bonds circulation as the main types of corporate securities is substantiated. Shares as financial assets sufficiently represent the dynamics of development of the non-state sector of the economy. Using the example of basic indicators, the article analyzes the current state of the stock and bond market, their structure, identifies positive and negative trends in their functioning, and reveals the factors that determine the dynamics of changes in the market situation. An important problem with the use of debt securities in financing Ukrainian corporations is the lack of different types of financial instruments on the market that can be used depending on the goals and capabilities of a particular corporation. An important prerequisite for the development of the corporate securities market is the functioning of the primary and secondary capital markets. These are the key components of the development of the domestic corporate securities market. The corporate securities market in Ukraine remains not fully capable of meeting the needs of modern enterprises in attracting financial resources.
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