Keywords: migration processes, labour force, nternally displaced citizens budget programmes, temporary accommodation, discrimination, social protection


Migration processes have a great impact on the socio-economic development of the country, its territorial integrity and national security. The problem of population migration is a topical one for Ukraine. The article is devoted to the analysis of population migration processes and their impact on the country's economy. The content of the main mechanisms of regulating migration flows is analyzed. The analysis of the dynamics and the current state of the population migration process is presented. On the basis of the presented analysis the directions of improvement of the system of regulation of population migration are proposed. The reasons for the positive and negative effects of migration are examined. The opinions of experts on this problem are studied. The article contains forecasts of migration trends. An analysis of migration processes in Ukraine is conducted. The results of the analysis of the dynamics and current state of migration processes are presented. The impact of internal migration on the country's economy is assessed. On the basis of the analysis presented, directions for improving the system of internal migration regulation are proposed. The main principles and directions of the state migration policy to be followed by the government of Ukraine during its formation have been broadened. The article analyses the number of displaced persons in need of assistance for the period 2016-2020 by the example of the Social Protection Department of Yasynuvata Rayon State Administration. A study was conducted on the dynamics of monthly targeted assistance payment in the context of the contingent of recipients in Yasynuvata district of Donetsk region, who are displaced from the temporarily occupied territory and areas of the anti-terrorist operation for the period 2016-2020. Trends in key performance indicators of budget programme 2501480 "Monthly targeted assistance to internally displaced persons to cover living costs, including housing and utilities" were investigated. The results of this study may become the basis for the formation of Ukraine's migration policy according to European standards. The recognition and prestige of Ukraine depends on the clarity and soundness of its migration policy and on the further development and efficiency of its migration processes.


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How to Cite
Podluzhna, N., Lyzunova, O., & Tarasenko, D. (2021). ACCOUNTING AND REGULATION OF MIGRATION PROCESSES IN EASTERN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (25).

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