Keywords: service quality, restaurant business, product knowledge, competitive advantages, staff, customer


A holistic approach to service quality is an important aspect in the restaurant business. Integrating product knowledge can prove to be an effective tool for enhancing service quality. The study examines factors that influence service quality in the restaurant industry, including professional training of staff, product and ingredient quality, hygiene and safety standards, efficient time management, and customer communication. The need for specialized product knowledge among restaurant staff for delivering quality service is established. Having knowledge about product characteristics, origin, preparation methods, and serving techniques helps the staff meet customer requirements and work efficiently with the products. The study establishes the relationship between product knowledge and service quality in the restaurant business. Staff competency in product knowledge contributes to quality preparation and service that aligns with customer needs, creating a positive dining experience. The main focus of the article is the holistic approach to service quality in the context of integrating product knowledge. The advantages of this approach are highlighted, such as improving service process efficiency, ensuring high-quality products and services, increasing customer satisfaction, and attracting new customers. However, implementing a holistic approach may encounter challenges and obstacles. Insufficient resources, the complexity of updating staff knowledge, technological limitations, and the need for coordination among various process elements can hinder successful integration of product knowledge. In conclusion, the article emphasizes the significance of a holistic approach in enhancing service quality and integrating product knowledge in the restaurant industry. The conducted research will contribute to improving service quality, developing restaurant businesses, and satisfying customer needs.


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How to Cite
Tymchuk, S., & Neshchadym, L. (2023). HOLISTIC APPROACH TO SERVICE QUALITY: INTEGRATING PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE IN THE RESTAURANT INDUSTRY. Economy and Society, (51). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-51-38