The article analyzes the impact of measures of tariff and non-tariff regulation on foreign economic activity, the basic principles of their application. Attention is focused on the flexibility of the system of State regulation of foreign economic activity, which is carried out through a number of measures of tariff and non-tariff regulation, which vary in accordance with the situation on a separate market of goods to which they are applied, and taking into account the state of the national economy at the moment, as well as international obligations of our country. Duty, which is the main element of the tariff regulation system, has an economic content, while non-tariff regulation measures are aimed primarily at protecting domestic producers and the domestic market from goods that do not meet certain technical and sanitary standards. Tariff methods of regulation in their content are actually economic methods, since their action is directly related to the situation on a separate market for goods. They are aimed primarily at supporting domestic producers of goods by introducing a certain mechanism that allows increasing the cost of importing goods and, accordingly, reducing the cost of export goods, which results in a direct impact on the efficiency of foreign trade operations and the overall profit of the enterprise. Non-tariff regulation measures are prohibitive-restrictive, directly or indirectly affect the volume of imports of certain goods and services, or may even prohibit their import into the country. foreign goods or services to the domestic market of the country. Tariff and non-tariff restrictions have a direct impact on the volume of foreign trade and, accordingly, the conditions for foreign economic activity. The application of these methods, as a rule, takes place in combination and aims to perform several functions, primarily protective (in the context of protecting the national producer and consumer from low-quality goods) and fiscal (as a source of filling the state budget). However, the application of both tariff and non-tariff measures should be based on a comprehensive analysis of the situation both in the domestic and external markets, since the mirror response of partner countries may have a more negative impact on the country's economy than the expected effect of the introduction of the above-mentioned measures.
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