The article is devoted to the topical issue of economic security of the enterprise. Economic security allows the enterprise to function and develop in a stable mode and ensure the availability of necessary resources, financial stability and effective management. This allows you to avoid financial difficulties, bankruptcy and maintain competitiveness. The results of the study of the concept of economic security of the enterprise and its importance for the activity of the enterprise are presented. In particular, economic security allows enterprises to ensure the continuity of their activities. It ensures the availability of necessary resources, such as raw materials, materials and financial resources, for uninterrupted production of goods or provision of services. An analysis of the scientific works of scientists dedicated to the study of economic security was also carried out in order to clarify the content of the concept. The evolution of the development of the studied concept is considered and it is shown that its essence was formed through several stages, which explains the differences in its definition. The interpretations of the concept of «economic security» by domestic and foreign economists were also systematized. The main goal of the enterprise's economic security is to guarantee its stable and effective functioning. Economic security helps businesses avoid financial difficulties and ensures their financial stability. This means that the enterprise can cover its expenses, salary payments, contributions to social funds and other financial obligations without significant difficulties. The work highlights the main functional goals of economic security and names the factors influencing the formation of economic security of the enterprise. One of the main functions of economic security is to identify potential risks that may affect the company's activities. This includes analyzing external and internal factors, assessing their impact and predicting possible consequences. This analysis helps to develop effective strategies and measures to minimize risks. It has been studied that economic security includes measures to protect the intellectual property of the enterprise, such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc. These measures help prevent their illegal use. Trade secret protection is considered, which is very important for businesses for various reasons. In particular, the protection of trade secrets is important for maintaining a competitive advantage, ensuring innovative development, maintaining customer confidence, financial stability and meeting legal requirements.
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