The paper discusses on the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of sustainable tourism in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the certification of sustainable development of tourism can be a valuable instrument for tour operators. The attention is focused specifically on the definition of sustainable tourism and rural "green" (ecological) tourism. It is substantiated that tourism meet sustainability requirements only if natural resources are used to meet economic, social and aesthetic needs, while preserving cultural uniqueness, the most important ecological features, the diversity of biological species and vital systems. The main principles of sustainable tourism are analyzed. It was found that modern studies on the prospects for the introduction of the "green" economy approach allows determining the priority types of economic activity. It has been confirmed that tourism has become one of the fastest-growing sectors of the economy and a key driver of socio-economic progress, as well as an important factor in creating jobs and wealth, economic growth, environmental protection and poverty alleviation. It was determined that by confirming compliance with the Sustainable Tourism certificate, the company will be able to establish itself as a responsible provider of tourism services in the global tourism sector and in the growing market of responsible tourism worldwide. It is emphasized that in the conditions of Russia's war against Ukraine, it is necessary to review traditional approaches both to strategy and to solving acute socio-economic, humanitarian and security problems of state development at all levels of the management hierarchy, including at the regional level. Recommendations regarding the modern concept of sustainable tourism implementation have been formulated, which emphasizes the necessity of preserving the natural and cultural heritage, biodiversity, improving the ecological, social and economic condition of the regions of Ukraine visited by tourists. The attention was drawn to the fact that sustainable tourism should become a model for the redesigning and greening of the entire tourism industry. It is emphasized that the development of rural "green" (ecological) tourism is among the priority types of economic activity for the implementation of the principles of the "green" economy. It is substantiated that one of the important tools of state regulation of tourism activities is certification of tourism operators and destinations sustainability.
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