The article deals with the problems of values formed by human capital. It is substantiated that at the stage of the post-industrial economy, knowledge, skills, creative abilities, experience, skills contribute to economic results due to the improvement of production and management processes, an increase in value and income is ensured at the enterprise, and the state receives economic growth and the accumulation of national wealth. The article also describes knowledge. With the help of human capital, new branches and intellectual industry are formed. The purpose of this article is to study the concept of "human capital" and its relationship with the concept of "intellectual capital. Now, in the conditions of the transformation of the economy, for the quality of life of society, the development of the economy of the region, the state and international relations, human capital is the main part of intellectual capital. The following factors influence the development of human capital: past period, ghanges in the economy and post-industrial period of economic development. Today, the main importance is the development of the economy in the post-industrial period. Post-industrial society is characterized by the rapid development of technology, computer technologies, and science. In the post-industrial period, education becomes more and more important, because education determines the status of a person and the knowledge a person possesses becomes a source of innovation. A person is capital, since in the material world it is the basis of income and satisfaction of various needs, namely social, creative, moral. Human capital is a specific capital that can bring income to each individual, individual enterprise and the state as a whole. The concepts of "human capital" and "intellectual capital" are closely related, because human capital is one of its main elements. By using human capital today, developed countries are managing production and economic systems, forming innovative policies. Нuman capital has such a tendency to accumulate, to exchange, which means to generate new knowledge for the creation of the state's intellectual industry.
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