Keywords: digital marketing, content marketing, search engine optimization, omnichannel marketing, video marketing


The development of digital technologies is transforming the modern world and the relationships in it – trade, information exchange and ordinary human contacts are increasingly moving into the digital dimension, eliminating borders between states and realizing the idea of creating a digital society and a global digital economy. Under the influence of these trends, the procedure for conducting business and the requirements that society places on it are naturally changing. It is becoming more and more difficult to persuade potential customers to make a purchase using only traditional promotion methods. Taking this into account, the article examines the chronology of digital technologies in the promotion of goods. The primary forms of presence of enterprises in the digital space are defined. The factors that determine the need to use digital marketing to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise within the framework of current activities and for the purposes of sustainable development have been established. The etymology of the concept of digital marketing is given. The problems of defining digital marketing and its key tasks are defined. The advantages of digital marketing over traditional methods of promotion are graphically displayed: a high level of customer loyalty, tracking information about their preferences, high profitability, long-term influence, the possibility of free implementation. The types of digital marketing are systematically and comprehensively displayed: content marketing, search engine optimization, marketing in search engines, social media, partner marketing, mobile marketing, video, email marketing, omnichannel marketing. Their essence and procedure of implementation are specified. Advantages and disadvantages of these types of marketing are highlighted. The peculiarities of the introduction of digital marketing tools into the practice of enterprises and their role for sustainable business development have been established. An assessment of the effectiveness of digital marketing for multinational companies in different parts of the world was carried out.


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How to Cite
Sychova, O., Osypenko, N., & Petrishyna, T. (2023). DIGITAL MARKETING AS A TOOL FOR SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (50).