The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the formation of the tourist attractiveness of territorial communities from the standpoint of a practical approach. It was established that the formation of the tourist attractiveness of territorial communities should be aimed at the development of the territories of these communities and their transformation into tourist centers, i.e., at territories that attract tourists with their specific tourist resources, convenient transport and geographical location, informativeness, and accessibility for tourists. The main problems of the development of tourist attractiveness of territorial communities are highlighted. It was found that the formation of the tourist attractiveness of territorial communities should be based on such regulatory and legal documents as the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Tourism", the Law of Ukraine "On Resorts". The task of forming the tourist attractiveness of territorial communities in Ukraine is highlighted. It has been established that the development of a strategy of tourist attractiveness of territorial communities will contribute to the development of tourism in territorial communities and, accordingly, the development of the regions' tourism potential. The measures that need to be achieved in the formation of the tourist attractiveness of territorial communities in accordance with the challenges of the war in the post-war recovery of the tourist industry of Ukraine are highlighted. The main directions of formation of tourist attractiveness of territorial communities have been determined. It was determined that the formation of the tourist attractiveness of territorial communities provides additional opportunities for sustainable economic development and opens up new directions and areas of application of entrepreneurial activity of local residents. The state should promote the development of tourism in territorial communities by various means, such as tax benefits and deductions for business activities. The formation of the tourist attractiveness of territorial communities involves the involvement of the local population in the tourism process, the revitalization of business activities, the filling of the budget with tax revenues, the preservation and popularization of the historical and cultural potential of the territories. Tourism also needs to be developed on the basis of sustainable development, that is, it is necessary to promote the preservation and protection of natural resources without harming the environment.
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