The article investigates and generalizes the theoretical aspects of the use of economic-mathematical modeling in the formation of the profit of an agricultural enterprise to motivate the development of financial leasing operations. The necessity of modeling economic processes to identify potential opportunities for future lessees is identified. It is necessary to timely and fully fulfill its obligations to the leasing company when concluding a leasing agreement. In the course of research the understanding of primary terms at realization of economic-mathematical modeling is deepened. In addition, the main stages of modeling economic processes are outlined. The principles and basic requirements to economic -mathematical models are generalized taking into account modern requirements of economic development. The study found that the high risk of agriculture slows down the development of financial leasing. In order to forecast the profit of the lessee operating in the field of agriculture, a model of profit formation of the enterprise is proposed, which takes into account the peculiarities of the crop direction of specialization of agricultural enterprises. This model is based on optimizing the size of sown areas of crops in order to obtain maximum profit. It is noted that the distribution of sown areas proposed in the modeling process takes into account not only their profitability, but also the need to form food and feed security of the agricultural enterprise. Based on the analysis, it is argued that to make a management decision to participate in the leasing operation has a significant impact on modeling the formation of enterprise profits. It is established that the advantage of the proposed model is that it can be used both at the level of the agricultural enterprise and at the level of the leasing company. The expediency of building a model of optimal distribution of sown areas for maximum profit is substantiated. In carrying out this study, it is substantiated that the practical application of this model will calculate the solvency and need for working capital for the period of agricultural production, namely to motivate the feasibility of applying to a leasing company.
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