Keywords: migration, war, economic development


The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of migration processes on the Ukrainian economy. The main task is to determine the current state of migration in Ukraine and its impact on the country's economic indicators, including GDP, employment, inflation and investment climate. To achieve this goal, the study uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, including statistical analysis and expert interviews. The results of the study show that the ongoing war in Ukraine and the related displacement of people have had a significant negative impact on the country's economy. The decline in population and labor force has led to a reduction in consumer demand and production, as well as lower tax revenues. The lack of foreign investment and limited export opportunities further exacerbated these problems. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that the war in Ukraine had a significant impact on the demographic and economic situation in the country. The ongoing military conflict since 2014 and the recent invasion in 2022 have led to a sharp decline in the population, which is projected to reach 26 million by 2060. The migration crisis has led to a decrease in the number of the working-age population and an increase in the number of pensioners and persons with disabilities, which creates significant challenges for the country's economy. The war in Ukraine has had serious demographic and economic consequences for the country, and immediate action is needed to mitigate the negative effects. A long-term strategy should be developed to support the country's demographic and economic development, including policies aimed at attracting investment, creating jobs, and supporting migration. The priorities of such policies should include retaining the labor force, attracting foreign investment, and improving the investment climate. In addition, it is suggested that the Ukrainian government should prioritize investments in education and training to improve the skills of the labor force and promote entrepreneurship. The findings of this study are relevant for policy makers, economists, and business owners interested in understanding the impact of migration on the Ukrainian economy. The recommendations can be used to develop effective policies aimed at mitigating the negative effects of migration and promoting economic growth.


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How to Cite
Gorban, S., Bilenko, O., & Trubnik, T. (2023). THE IMPACT OF MIGRATION PROCESSES ON THE ECONOMY OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (49).