The article highlights the basis of economic problems in our country, and also analyzes the intellectualization of export-oriented production in Ukraine. The main trends during the formation of the economy of our state, the problems that arose during this path were analyzed. The article is divided into two key parts: the cause-and-effect relationship of economic development problems and how intellectualization helps to optimize the production process of export-oriented production. During the research of the first part of the article, such key problems were identified as: the influence of the planned economy of the USSR; World crises and their impact on an unprepared economy; lack of interest of investors; geopolitical uncertainty; corruption; availability of state critical debt indicators; the impact of the war. It is clear that the current situation makes the development of the economy impossible, but important changes have been made in recent years that should lead to economic growth. In the second part, the intellectualization of export-oriented production was considered. Usually, large enterprises that grow rapidly and attract highly qualified workers, are oriented towards exports or a highly competitive domestic market, and also operate in cities show a greater inclination to ISM processes and a need for them. But intellectualization simplifies the work of small businesses as well. An analysis of the development of intellectualization within Ukraine was carried out. It is studied in the course of which problems arise with the development of the country's economy during the period since independence, why intellectualization has a significant impact on the optimization of economic processes. Prospects for the development of intellectualization of export-oriented production have been determined. In the course of writing the article, it was determined that the intellectualization of export-oriented production would help to avoid many problems that we observe in today's conditions. Proposals for increasing the main economic indicators and reducing the risks of economic development are presented.
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