The enterprise's recognition and support of the concept of sustainable development leads to significant transformation in all spheres of its activity, particularly in the financial sphere. The purpose of this article is to study the theoretical and methodological foundations of financial support for the sustainable development of enterprises and to substantiate potential sources of financing sustainable development measures at enterprises in Ukraine. The research uses general scientific methods of theoretical analysis, comparison, generalization and systematization. The essential characteristics of sustainable development financing, its specifics and determinants, which determine the potential of implementation and development of such initiatives in domestic conditions, are provided. It was established that the financing of the sustainable development of the enterprise is carried out with the involvement of a wide range of participants on the basis of cooperation and partnership, taking into account their interests. In accordance with this concept, the author's definition of the concept of "financial support of sustainable development" is proposed. The need to attract additional sources of financing for the enterprise, namely: loans from international financial organizations and resources of supranational state administration bodies (within the framework of integration associations), is substantiated. The expediency of using public-private partnership for financing sustainable development projects is proven, its basic models are given and characterized - models of public, private, mixed and project financing. Prospective methods of state support for sustainable development initiatives in Ukraine, which are used in foreign countries, have been identified, in particular: guarantees, resource mobilization risk insurance, grants, preferences and tax benefits. The practical value of the research results highlighted in the article lies in the formation of a theoretical and methodological basis for improving the financial mechanism at domestic enterprises that implement the concept of sustainable development.
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