Keywords: global development, environmental policy, global management model, global ecological policy, principles of politics, regulatory priorities


The author emphasizes on the actualization of the issue of the formation of an effective model of global management of ecological policy, up to the creation of institutions such as a global government and other forms of global governance. The author's definition of global ecological policy has been given with a thorough conceptual understanding of its essence, principles, principles of formation and regulatory priorities. The author has proved that the development and implementation of such a policy is able to provide an effective solution to the methodological problem of universalizing approaches to the simultaneous coverage of both the sphere of resource consumption and the sphere of environmental protection. The article proposes the system of twelve principles for the formation of global ecological policy. The author characterizes the principle of scientificity in the development and practical implementation of the tools of global ecological policy and the principle associated with it. The essential meaning of another principle of global environmental policy has been given – the prevention of transboundary damage to the environment and the international legal responsibility of states for such damage. The principles of rationality of nature use, inclusiveness and transparency of global ecological policy have been characterized from a system-forming point of view and object-subject relations. The principle of flexibility of the institutional structure of the global environmental policy and the principle of a clear distribution of management powers between its subjects at different levels have been considered from the point of view of a hierarchical approach and effective management. The article also describes the important principle of professional independence of different-level subjects of global environmental policy and the principle of justice in access to resource benefits of economic subjects of different nationalities, in the application of unified standards, regulatory norms and rules to them. Particular attention has been paid to the principle of convergence of national ecological interests of states with different levels of socio-economic development and the dominance of intellectual and spiritual needs and values over material ones as one of the system-forming global ecological policies. The author emphasizes that the proposed principles should not be considered something static and unchanging; on the contrary, in the process of its further institutional development, the principles of global environmental policy will be supplemented with new components and regulatory priorities. The article provides the author's list of such regulatory priorities for the formation of a successful global ecological policy.


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