The article is devoted to the topical issues of the analysis of liquidity and profitability of the banking system of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law. The problem of liquidity arose in the pre-war period, which was preceded by the period of the corona crisis, when Ukrainian banks proved their ability to work with fairly high liquidity indicators. However, banks constantly have to solve the "liquidity-profitability" dilemma, because by increasing their liquidity, commercial banks attract significant amounts of money to accounts, reducing their profits accordingly. In the research process, statistical and comparative analysis was used, the dynamics of the average indicators of liquidity and profitability in the banking system and in the group of savings banks were evaluated. Analyzed and systematized the measures of the National Bank of Ukraine aimed at maintaining the financial stability of the banking system, including ensuring effective activity and liquidity at the macro level: regulation of mandatory reserve norms, application of refinancing, new approaches to guaranteeing reimbursement of individuals' funds by the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund; and at the micro level: the application of liquidity coverage ratios and net stable funding. Changes in profit indicators, profitability of assets and profitability of capital, and their dependence on liquidity indicators, for individual banks, were evaluated. It was revealed that a fairly high level of short-term liquidity was the factor that allowed the banking system to continue to function stably without significant losses. Bank liquidity increased significantly thanks to issue financing of the state budget and the inflow of international aid. Currently, one of the main problems is the liquidity surplus, which the National Bank of Ukraine plans to reduce due to the introduction of new requirements for mandatory reserves, which will stimulate the growth of time deposits. The growth of profit and profitability indicators in recent months gives reason to claim that the banking system was able to overcome the losses caused by the war, moreover, it has a significant reserve of financial stability.
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