Keywords: strategy, sustainable development, digital economy, enterprise development strategy, goals and risks of sustainable enterprise development, algorithm for forming an enterprise development strategy, factors of sustainable development


In the course of a scientific study, the purpose of which is to determine the conceptual provisions of the formation of the strategy of sustainable development of enterprises in the conditions of the digital economy, the theoretical and methodological approaches of national and foreign scientists regarding the interpretation of the concepts of "strategy of enterprise development", "sustainable development" and "digital economy" were analyzed. The author's vision of the economic category "enterprise development strategy" has been formed – it is a long-term, step-by-step action plan covering all key areas of development, in accordance with the selected goals, aimed at achieving sustainable development and functioning of the enterprise in the conditions of the digital economy. The essence of the enterprise development strategy in the conditions of the digital economy is a continuous process of changes and improvements of key elements in the continuous operation of the enterprise's production processes, as well as the establishment of internal and external connections with a combination of the requirements of the digital environment, which are a necessary condition for long-term and effective functioning. The goals, tasks and principles (adaptation, dynamism, ensuring balance, comprehensive responsibility, transparency of activity, continuous improvement) of sustainable development of enterprises were studied. An additional element of the complex of functional generally accepted components of enterprise sustainability (marketing, financial and economic, production and technical, organizational and human resource) is proposed - digital sustainability. It is proposed to understand digital sustainability as the ability of enterprises to function continuously and develop in a balanced way in the medium and long term, which is achieved by implementing digital technologies and platforms to achieve maximum results. On the basis of the conducted study of modern scientific approaches, conceptual provisions are defined regarding the formation of a strategy for the sustainable development of enterprises in the conditions of the digital economy.


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