Keywords: crisis, psychological crisis, psychological help, communication strategy, research


The article describes the definition, content and main narratives of the crisis phenomenon, its types, causes and consequences to which it leads. The emergence of crises is based on many factors, but the most frequent is the influence of an economic nature, which generates economic crises. Currently, the most influential crisis in Ukraine is the psychological crisis that arose as a result of the full-scale invasion of the aggressor country on the territory of our state in February 2022. Although it dates back to 2013, during the Revolution of Dignity, it reached its peak and massive nature last year. Therefore, the issue of solving the psychological crisis is quite relevant and necessary for Ukraine. And in this case, it is advisable to use communication strategies, the measures and means of which are aimed at avoiding the problem as soon as possible. The article discusses the development of a communication strategy based on the principle of «WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? HOW?» and its practical application in the aspect of analyzing the chosen problem, where «WHO?» – target audience research, «WHAT?» – the key communication message that will be directed to the selected target audience, «WHERE?» – research of communication channels, «WHEN?» – for how long will the chosen strategy be applied and «HOW?» – how it will be implemented. Since the object of a psychological crisis is the person himself, this causes certain difficulties in solving it, than usually in other types of crises. However, the conducted research showed that if you correctly analyze the target audience, the means of communication with it and choose a clear content of the message, using a communication strategy, you can achieve an effective result in solving the problem. Currently, the psychological crisis in Ukraine is massive and covers the entire territory of the country, but timely response and the launch of communication projects for psychological help in the spring of 2022 have become an effective tool in reducing the impact of this problem on the country's citizens. Therefore, further prospects for future research on the chosen topic are countering the emergence of new psychological problems, the introduction and monitoring of modern innovative technologies and practices in the development of a communication strategy to overcome a psychological crisis, which may cause problems of economic or man-made.


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How to Cite
Hrushchenko, A., & Dankeieva, O. (2023). COMMUNICATION STRATEGY FOR OVERCOMING THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CRISIS IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (48).