The article is devoted to the study of the essence of commercial activity and peculiarities of diagnostics of commercial activity of an industrial enterprise. Approaches to interpretation of the concept of "commercial activity" are presented. It is established that the commercial activity of an industrial enterprise is a component of its entrepreneurial activity, which consists in the implementation of processes of buying and selling with the purpose of making profit. The necessity of diagnosing the commercial activity of an industrial enterprise on the basis of a systematic approach, taking into account the interrelation of commercial and marketing activities, is proved. The formed set of indicators for diagnostics of commercial activity of an industrial enterprise includes a study of the areas of activity of an industrial enterprise in which commercial activity is manifested and the areas that ensure its organization and development: material and technical support of commercial activity, financial support of commercial activity, personnel support of commercial activity and sales activity of the enterprise. This list of indicators takes into account that the commercial activity of an industrial enterprise is represented at the stage of material and technical support of production activities, in the organization of procurement activities and warehousing. The importance of studying the financial support of commercial activities of an industrial enterprise lies in the assessment of financial stability and ability to pay for the received material and technical resources. The study of personnel support for the commercial activities of an industrial enterprise includes the assessment of the efficiency of the enterprise's expenses for training and salaries of employees, the determination of the relationship between the growth rate of income from the sale of products and the growth rate of these expenses. Sales activity indicators within the framework of diagnosis of commercial activities of an industrial enterprise demonstrate the effectiveness of sales and marketing research costs, assess the effectiveness of commercial activities carried out on the basis of the principles of modern marketing.
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