Ukrainian startups face significant challenges when entering international markets. However, there are successful businesses that have gone through the process of entering the international arena and can demonstrate effective case studies of launching new projects. The purpose of this research is to identify key problems that Ukrainian startups face when entering international markets and propose solutions to overcome them. The research is based on a literature review and analysis of statistical data on Ukrainian startups. The study identified several key problems that Ukrainian startups face, including cultural and language barriers, limited access to funding, regulatory issues, limited marketing research, lack of brand recognition, scalability issues, as well as the impact of the ongoing conflict and brain drain. Solutions to overcome these challenges were proposed, including conducting comprehensive market research, developing a comprehensive international strategy, adapting products or services to meet the needs of the target market, establishing partnerships with local businesses and organizations, as well as creating effective marketing and sales strategies. To overcome these challenges, Ukrainian startups should focus on developing comprehensive market research, creating a reliable international strategy, adapting their product or service to the needs of the target market, establishing partnerships with local businesses and organizations, and implementing effective marketing and sales strategies. By solving these issues, Ukrainian startups can increase their chances of success and contribute to the economic development of Ukraine. Overall, Ukrainian startups have the potential to become world leaders in innovation and entrepreneurship, and with the right support and strategies, they can thrive on the international stage. The results of this study provide valuable information for Ukrainian startups seeking to enter international markets. The proposed solutions can be used by startups to overcome the challenges they may face, increase their chances of success, and promote economic development in Ukraine.
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