The aim. Review and analysis of cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and EU countries in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The research methodology. In the process of conducting the research, such methods were used: objectivity, generalization, systematicity and integrity, causality, comparison in the study of regional differences and asymmetry of social and economic development, abstract and logical – for formulating conclusions and proposals. The research results. The essence of cross-border cooperation was studied and it was found that the strengthening of such cooperation became possible only under the conditions of globalization, when regions received wider opportunities to build their own external relations within the limits of their competences on the entire spectrum of cross-border cooperation issues. This, in turn, creates new opportunities for increasing the economic activity of border areas and increasing their level of competitiveness at the national and international levels. Such cooperation has a positive effect on economic development, socio-cultural environment, education and other aspects of public life in the process of integration into the regional and global economic space. In the conditions of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, the cross-border cooperation policy vector was changed and directed to regional projects in the humanitarian and military spheres. In the course of the study, several European donor countries that border Ukraine were also analyzed: Poland, Romania, Hungary. All of them provide Ukraine with various types of assistance. It was noted that the support provided by the EU to Ukraine in the form of humanitarian and military aid, as well as free and quota-free access to the Union's markets, is unprecedented and very important for our country. The scientific novelty of the research results. The study of the content and essence of the process of economic cooperation between Ukraine and the EU countries in the context of modern military conditions was further developed. Practical significance of research results. The results of the conducted research can be used to further determine the prospects of cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and EU countries in the post-war period.
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