Keywords: agricultural market, market environment, market infrastructure, price, state regulation of prices, self-regulating economic systems


The purpose of the article is to study the current problems of formation market environment in agriculture, its influence on the possibilities of formation and effective functioning of agricultural enterprises of different sizes and organizational forms. The relevance of research is due to the complexity of the existing market environment, the impossibility of adapting small farms to it. Generally accepted research methods were used. The method of comparative analysis was used to assess the impact of the existing market environment on enterprises of different sizes. The monographic method was used to assess the state of the market environment. The influence of the existing market environment on the structure of cultivated areas of agricultural crops in Ukraine was studied based on the application of the statistical and economic methods. Central place in the market environment of agricultural enterprises belongs prices. Prices for agricultural products in Ukraine are variable. It is impossible to adapt to them. In these conditions, especially large holding-type business entities that have their own distribution channels and bring their products to the foreign market develop as a priority. Preference is given to grain, which is a transportable product. The increase in the area planted with grain crops is due to the forced increase in the import of dairy products and meat products. Attempts at state regulation of prices did not provide the necessary results. After Ukraine becomes a member of the WTO, the possibilities of state regulation of prices are limited by the provisions of this organization. It is proposed to carry out state organizational and financial support for the formation and development of self-regulating economic systems in which acceptable prices are formed without state intervention. Such systems can be created by the organization in individual agricultural enterprises in the field of product processing and its sale to consumers. For such small systems, a concentrated marketing strategy is acceptable, which involves focusing on meeting the needs of consumers who belong to narrow market segments. By implementing it, small enterprises can avoid competition from large processing enterprises. The practical value of the article lies in the possibility of using the recommended methods for improving the organizational structure of agriculture.


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How to Cite
Salamin, O., & Poperechny, S. (2023). MARKET ENVIRONMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (48).