Keywords: agro-industrial complex, agriculture, problems, investments, region


The purpose of the article is to study the problems of investing in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine in the modern conditions of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The Ukrainian agricultural sector is an important branch of the Ukrainian economy, which provides a significant part of the country's export revenues and attracts a large number of people. However, like any other industry, the Ukrainian agricultural sector has its own problems. Investing in agribusiness of Ukraine is a very topical issue. Agricultural industry is one of the most promising branches of the economy of Ukraine, as the country has significant potential for the development of agriculture. The advantages of investing in agribusiness of Ukraine include: wealth of land resources, high potential for increased production, natural resources, etc. The scientific work is devoted to the study of the problems of investing in the agro-industrial complex. The article examines the problems of investing in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine in the modern conditions of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The main sources of financing long-term investments in the agro-industrial complex at the regional level are analyzed. Three fundamentally different directions in the field of investment in the agricultural sector of the region have been identified. The evaluation and selection of the main areas of investment of the agro-industrial complex are substantiated. A number of problems of Ukrainian agribusiness affecting its development and productivity, especially in modern conditions of martial law, have been identified. Within the framework of the target orientation of the structural policy in the agricultural sector, a number of problems of the further development of the investment process in the agro-industrial complex of the region are highlighted. A methodological prerequisite for the study and solution of many problems related to the improvement of the economic mechanism of the agro-industrial complex is the examination of the investment process from the standpoint of industrial relations and its socio-economic efficiency. A comprehensive socio-economic criterion for evaluating investments in the agricultural sector is necessary. The results of the investment process are influenced by forms of management in the agrarian sphere. Today, the financing of agriculture is not planned. It is advisable that the management of the process of financial provision and support of investment demand is based on consolidated financial sources.


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