The article examines one of the key aspects of determining the general strategy of the enterprise is the formation of an effective marketing policy for the distribution of the enterprise's products. The need to understand the main definitions of the theory of the formation of production distribution systems of enterprises contributed to the improvement of the conceptual and categorical apparatus. The article defines the interdependence and subordination of the goals of the company's sales policy (strategic level goals) and the goals of the company's product distribution policy (tactical level goals aimed at managing the distribution of products and eliminating conflicts between different channels in homogeneous markets). Modern scientific approaches to the formation of product distribution systems are based either on managerial or economic aspects. In the work, it is proposed to select priority systems and channels of product distribution for the company based on a comprehensive approach. For this purpose, the paper proposes to use a matrix based on indicators of manageability and efficiency of distribution systems and channels. The level of control in the priority matrix of the use of systems and distribution channels of products is suggested to be determined by the "degree of vertical integration" indicator, which shows the strength of the connection between elements in the system and distribution channels. We propose to reveal the efficiency of distribution systems and channels using the "integral coefficient of distribution efficiency" indicator, which takes into account the most important economic categories for this industry. Depending on the value of controllability and efficiency indicators, each position in the matrix has its own recommendations for the speed of service and financing of the distribution elements falling under it. The need to make strategic decisions at different levels of distribution policy taking into account the company's goals led to the proposal of a comprehensive approach to the process of forming product distribution systems. In the article uses methods of system analysis, the method of dividing a complex problem into smaller ones, and the method of expert assessments.
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