• Oleksandr Chernyshov "POLIFILM-UKRAINE" LLC
Keywords: Economic security, enterprise, economic security system, adaptive management, principles of economic security management


The article analyzes the peculiarities of application of the concept of adaptive management while ensuring economic security of enterprises. The essence of economic security of the enterprise from the point of view of different approaches is defined. The classification of threats to the economic security of the enterprise according to different classification features is analyzed, in particular: By origin, by nature, depending on the possibility of forecasting, depending on the probability of realization, depending on the volume of losses, by degree of probability. The principles of economic security management are systematized in the context of ensuring the proper level of adaptability to which the principles of competence, hierarchy, complexity, efficiency, adaptability, objectivity, timeliness, integration, risk-coordination, continuity, uniformity. The main groups of decisions and measures, which are carried out by the management of the enterprise in the process of adaptive management at providing of economic security, to which are described: Legal, informational-analytical, personnel, resource, technical-technological, financial, economic, motivational, preventive. The tasks of the adaptive management in providing economic security of the enterprise are justified. It is determined that the application of the concept of adaptive management in providing economic security of enterprises can give the enterprise a number of advantages such as: Substantiation of the necessary information base for ensuring the adoption of appropriate managerial, security decisions; adequate information and analytical support in the context of constant monitoring of emergency and industrial factors influencing the economic security of the enterprise; ensuring minimization of negative impact of threats arising in the external environment in the context of ensuring adequate level of adaptability; increasing the effectiveness of the economic security system by increasing its level of control and ensuring proper process planning; synergy of joint efforts aimed at development and realization of an effective system of economic security of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Chernyshov, O. (2023). FEATURES OF THE APPLICATION OF THE CONCEPT OF ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT IN ENSURING THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (48). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-48-13